Wednesday 27 May 2015

Avoid Energy Drinks

The term designates an energy drink as a liquid product which claims to contain a mixture of ingredients that have the property of increasing the energy level of the subject and liveliness that consumes [1].

Athletic Greens

It is very popular drinks among young people, of which consumers are regulars 54.60% of males and 26.15% of women. In a few years, it has been observed a reduction in the consumption of traditional carbonated beverages, while it has increased the energy drinks among teenagers. Between 2001 and 2008, estimates of use of energy drinks among teenagers and young adults from 24% to 56%. Approximately 6% of male adolescents and young adults consumed daily energy drinks.

A study conducted in the US revealed that 31.3% of adults consume energy drinks or sports drinks during the seven days preceding the survey, while more than 1 in 5 manifested consume these drinks on a regular basis at least once by week. The half of them consumed at least three times a week. The statistical analysis allowed increased consumption associated with sex (male), age (young adults), ethnicity (blacks, Hispanics), marital status (single), family income level (high), place of residence (south west) and lifestyle (sports, snuff consumption and satisfaction with their activities and social relations).

The greatest predictors of energy drink consumption are related to the age and the assumption of the traditional model of masculinity. Practically these features are similar to those of subjects who tend to consume energy drinks with alcohol.

The combination of energy drinks with alcohol is now a standard phenomenon and an integral and established feature nightlife. For its part, it is more frequent cannabis, cocaine and ecstasy among those who tend to mix energy drinks with alcohol. In this group of alcoholic and energy drinks, there is a greater likelihood of risky sexual behavior, including sexual practice without adequate protection, do so under the influence of drugs or after drinking to excess.

The relationship between alcohol consumption and overall energy drinks and risky sexual behavior are narrow. They are well documented negative consequences of using both types of substances, which can range from alcohol abuse, alcohol dependence and sexually transmitted infections.

Energy drinks contain a high proportion and unregulated caffeine, having published clinical observations of consumption associated with serious adverse effects, especially in children, adolescents and young adults, including seizures, diabetes, heart abnormalities, altered mood and disorders behavior, especially in patients receiving other drugs. Of the 5448 cases of caffeine overdose reported in the United States during 2007, 46% occurred in children under 19 years. Several countries have debated or restricted sales of energy drinks and / or advertising for them.

Despite its high level of consumption, the majority of students who were asked about their composition or their potential risk, failed to indicate correctly. When they were shown a list of trade names including energy and sports drinks they could not adequately differentiate from each other.
The reasons given for using energy drinks include obtaining more energy to stay awake, improve athletic performance or use with alcohol. In this regard, a study of students estimated 1 in 3 consumers do alcohol in combination with energy drinks. There has also been promoted, dramatic qualified by researchers combined alcohol and energy drinks.


Energy drinks usually contain caffeine, taurine, various vitamins, glucose and plant extracts such as guarana and ginseng. A typical package of this type of beverages containing 235 ml of liquid with an amount of caffeine ranging from 40 to 250 mg, although higher concentrations of this substance (266-340 mg) are also reported. That is, doses that can improve cognitive function and greater concentration, also physical performance. A review paper shows that there is no evidence that, apart from the caffeine, there are other substances that influence consumers.

The beverages sold as energy have become a popular form of caffeine, mainly aimed at the young male population, with some brands containing caffeine equivalent to 1-3 cups of coffee, also including other theoretically aimed ingredients increasing physical energy and mental alertness, such as herbal substances, amino acids, sugars and sugar derivatives; However, as indicated, caffeine is the main active ingredient.

The main component of guarana is caffeine, further containing small amounts of theophylline and theobromine, after ruling out the presence of other substances having a pharmacological effect. Excessive making derivatives of this plant have the same effects ingesting equivalent amounts of caffeine from other sources.

Another feature of energy drinks is its acidity and its limited content of fluoride, which lead to erosion of tooth enamel compared to other types of drinks, such as the so-called sports drinks.

Caffeine improves execution control and working memory and reduces reaction time and choice. Taurine increases the choice reaction time but reduce the reaction time in working memory tasks. The researchers believe that the substance responsible for the reported changes in cognitive performance after ingestion of energy drinks is caffeine likely, especially during the period of abstinence regular consumers of caffeine.

We recommend not using energy drinks rather you should use natural drinks like Athletic Greens.

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